Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And Princess #3

I had a weekend full of princesses! Hannah and her brother, Ryan, came for photos on Sunday. Ryan is a boys' boy. He took great pride in roaring his loudest lion roar at me. So cute! But Hannah-she was all about the princesses. We talked about her favorites-Snow White and Cinderella(whom she calls Princess Mom because she thinks her mommy looks like Cinderella. Isn't that the sweetest?) We had fun playing and their daddy had fun giving me bunny ears to make the kids laugh. A good time all around.

Here's your sneak peek, Aimee and Jason.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Two Little Princesses

Mairen and Delaney came to see me last weekend. We dressed up, sang, danced, and talked about our favorite princesses. The perfect girly visit!

Here's a quick sneak peek for you, Jennifer. Your girls are just lovely!

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Ryan is ONE!

Wow! I haven't been here in a really long time. Sorry, guys. Life got busy and I haven't been updating as regularly as I'd like. But I'm back now and ready to post to the blog again.

I so love when I get to photograph a child from the time they are born. Ryan first came to me when he was only a few days old. I've photographed him many times over the past year and I was honored to create his one year portraits for his family last weekend. As always, he was a sweetheart, full of love and personality.

I had a hard time trying to decide which ones to show you, Alicia. Here are a few.